I Don’t Know How I Do It

Sometimes when I and start the engine and the stereo comes on I don’t know how I was in there with it so loud. I’m like a different person first thing in the morning compared to right before bed. I mean, what kind of crazy person can listen to music like Ronnie James Dio or AC/DC at full volume?

I don’t know, a crazy person, I guess.

I like it nice and quiet in the mornings, I don’t know who that nighttime guy is..

Have aa great weekend!

Surprisingly Hassleless

Over the weekend, a tourist reversed into my car and broke the tail light. I never would have noticed but they waited for me and gave me their information, driver’s license and Rental Car info. I didn’t call the police I didn’t file accident report and I expected that the repair would have to come out of my pocket because I didn’t have a police report.

Yesterday I called the rental car place and took the papers to the rental car place. They told me “no problem” , took a picture of my broken tail light, and told me to get a quote.

I went to the parts store, the part was in stock, I got the quote, took it back to the rental car place, they wrote me a check.

I took the check to the parts store and got the part. I swapped it myself last night and I was surprised at the lack of hassle.

When I took the check to the parts department the person there said “I don’t know if we can take that check” , he made a phone call, they didn’t answer, so he took the check.

it was a not unpleasant experience, and I was pleasantly surprised.

have a great day!

4 Day Weekend

Day one of the four day weekend starts with dick clouds and strong winds, and no rain. It is not going to rain no matter what, Seems like.

I’m still seeing a counselor about my divorce. But it not really about the divorce anymore.. My counselor said yesterday that my self-loathing undoes the therapy in between sessions. I recommended a lobotomy. Ha ha!

Have a great weekend!

Chocolate Digestives Disaster

I bought a package of chocolate digestive biscuits. They’re pretty good cookies (Do you see what I did there?) because they’re good and at the same time not too sweet and not 1000% sugar.

When I opened the pack, the chocolate was a little melty and got all over my fingers, so I put the rest in the fridge. When I came back for more, they were welded together, inseparable. I had to wedge a knife in between to get them apart. Lucky I didn’t lose any fingers.

I split the stack into about four parts. It was crumby and still messy. Biscuit chunks explosively flying all over as I drove the wedge between the ironclad layers.

I ate thick stacks with about 4 cookies each. It was a real disaster, a catastrophe. I’ll be getting more soon to try and improve the procedure.

It’s a back to work Monday. Long weekend, coming up!

Dress Like An Adult

ive never really consciously changed my dress code. I’ve always just worn whatever I wanted with little consideration. I realize I still dress the same way I did in high school , jeans and t-shirts.

Maybe I should quit wearing T shirts and wear polo shirts. Maybe I should quit wearing jeans and start wearing Dockers.

After all, I’m all grown up now. Other than that, I don’t see any reason.

Have a great day!

This Isn’t Modern Times

As I get older I think I become more and more against the death penalty.

Last night Alabama USA executed a murderer using nitrogen asphyxiation. Not very efficient. The record for holding the breath I think is 8 minutes. When a person starts holding their breath, the blood oxygen level begins dropping from about 20%. At about 10% you’d pass out. If your blood oxygen stayed 10%, you’d stay unconscious. Less than 10% you’d die. Four minutes with no oxygen, brain damage starts. Who knows when it stops?

I know this from breath hold diving .

This nitrogen method is effectively the same as putting a plastic bag over someone’s head or duct tape over their mouth and nose

It took Alabama 22 minutes to kill that guy last night. That’s way too long. He definitely suffered.

Why don’t they use the same method veterinarians use to put an animal to sleep? Why not hanging with a quick broken neck or firing squad? .

No, Alabama did it the way they did it because they want to punish. They want to watch someone in agony.

We’re worse than the cave man. If the cave man perceives a threat, he’ll eliminate that threat immediately, not not stash it away for decades then slowly torture it to death, SAYING it’s quick and not cruel what it’s about the slowest, cruelest method imaginable.

Happy Friday .