In 2, 3. Out, 2, 3, 4.

This is me counting as I breathe when I wake up in the middle of almost every night. Exhale longer than the inhale to promote relaxation.

it’s quite effective if you’re trying to relax or get calm in any situation.

When you find your mind wandering, (and it will) return your focus to your breath. It’s about being in the present, not thinking about anything in the past or future.

Have a wonderful, relaxing day!

Pirates Week & a Holiday Weekend

Holiday season is upon us! Monday is a holiday, our first holiday since July I think..

And it’s Pirates Week, I have a costume, not sure I’ll be wearing it tho. I decided I needed a three corner hat to complete my uniform.

We had some rain last night and this morning. I was surprised by the wet ground. It was nice doing my exercise and meditation in the light rain. Hope it doesn’t rain this weekend!

Venus & Moon

This morning the Venus and the moon were very close together. Above is the best of a million shots I took. I couldn’t get what I considered a good shot. But it’s still pretty cool and not bad for a phone camera.(I have a S21)

It’s almost the weekend and I’m glad. Have a great day!

Hippos In Colombia

There was an article this morning about feral hippopotamuses in Colombia. They are escapee’s from Pablo Escobar’s private zoo in the 1990s. Columbia is apparently a perfect place for hippos to grow, plenty of water and food.

Read the article HERE. Hippos are very dangerous.. Interesting, but not really funny

happy Friday have a great weekend!

Cloudy Thick

it’s a cloudy, thick, humid windy morning here. Lat night I slept with the windows open, thinking of turning on the AC, but it was never that bad.

We had a front move through last night, the sea was rough on the dog walk this morning and hopefully the cooler air will push thru soon

It’s almost Friday, already the weekend seems overbooked.

Have a great day!