Disgruntled Exerciser

I made my step goal for 33 Days. I didn’t make it last night because the battery on my device died. I was way the hell out there, far away, when it died. I would have made the goal. I DID make the goal, but the device didn’t register it, and my record of 33 days is shattered. I had already left home when I got the 10% battery warning. I turned the GPS off when I got a low battery warning. I actually saw it die.

This morning, I didn’t exercise at all. No run no walk no swim.

Sure, it’s my fault. It reminds me of so many things that are my fault, but I couldn’t have prevented them. I could have re-charged my device, before I got a 10% battery warning. Not sure why I’d do that, but I could have. I was already out before I got the warning. I could have shut the GPS off sooner, but who would think it could use up 10% in less than an hour? I simply thought “I’ll have to plug it in to recharge when I get home.” I DID shut it off when I got the “low battery” warning, but I still didn’t really think it would die.

Now I’m starting over. 33 days will be hard to beat.

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